Thursday, June 24, 2010

What tired feels like

So...I am generally happy and positive these days.  There is someone that is showing genuine interest in me, and although I am not sure how or if it will all work out, it is nice to be considered.  The weather is holding out and giving me lots of options.  I have some free time this weekend and go make plans (although I am not sure what I will do with myself!). complaints today.  No "but".  Just a simple "and".  And, I am tired.  Exhausted really.  I feel like a cement block.  My muscles are tight.  (I had the worst charlie horse in bed this morning...the kind where your calf muscles twist into something from a horror film and you have to use every ounce of self control not to cry.) I can't process a coherent thought.  I, how will I stay awake for the rest of the day. 

I was going to make a nice dinner for me and the kids.  By the time I got home, all I could manage was chicken nuggets and left over pasta salad.  (Ketchup is a vegetable .... right?)  At dinner, we have a ritual where each person states one thing they are thankful for or something good that happened to them during the day.  The theory is that no matter how bad your day was, there is something to be thankful for.  Today, the kids were thankful for things that had to do with our house, our meal and our time together.  The work is paying off...that is until they started picking on each other again.  They will be in bed soon...and so will I.

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