Friday, June 18, 2010

Cautiously optimistic

You have heard me say it is like a wedgie with a noogie.  This has to be one of the most risk-laden things I have ever done.  I have been in the Army, lived on the DMZ between North and South Korea, had kids, fought a forest fire, and been a chaperone on a third grade field trip, but nothing is scarier than dating. 

First, you have to meet the guy.  No easy task!  You have to put yourself out there and risk humiliation, rejection, and ridicule.  Ok...that wasn't the tough part.  Actually, I deal with ridicule quite well. 

The hard part comes during the first date.  Having a bad date or not liking him is the easy part.  Say good night and wipe your etch-a-sketch clean...start anew tomorrow.  But, if you do like him...ugh!  Does he like you? Can he kiss to save his life?  If you are completely attracted to him and you get a sense that he is attracted to have to ask the much bigger questions.  Will he fit with the kids? What will he think of the kids?  When and how do you introduce him and the kids?  When do you ask about health and HIV status and do you believe him? When do you "move forward" and how?  At this age, he has probably lived a life and had some experiences and lessons that you might struggle with.  How much to chalk up to youthful transgressions?  How much time do you invest to test the waters before moving on to a more realistic candidate? 

Maybe I will just stick with third grade field trips.  At least there you can still be successful if you can get everyone back on the bus.


  1. Well Written! Finding, keeping, and losing love is all messy business.
    PS-Wow, you have had quite the adventures.

  2. Thanks Jacob...I guess that is all part of the journey...and trying to make sense of it all!
