Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Miff: (trans. verb): to put into an ill humor; offend

Sometimes I get miffed.  Usually only for short periods of time, but I get miffed.  I hate that feeling.  This morning I got miffed.

I had an interaction with my ex this morning that stirred the pot.  The core details aren't important.  In the long run, it doesn't matter.  Perhaps I expect too much from people.  It often happens when people's behaviors aren't in the best interest of the kids or don't align with my values.  I know I had little control before the divorce and I have even less now.  However, I still get miffed from time to time. 

My learning in this?  Breathe.  It isn't worth the fight.  I can only control my own behavior and perspective and so that is what I will do.  I will change my course of action and challenge my own perspective.  I will remind myself of my four operating principles:

1.  I love my children more than I am angry at my ex
2.  My children need to have strong and loving relationships with both parents
3.  The divorce was for me and everything else is for the children
4.  I will say "yes" whenever I can and only push back on those things that are non-negotiable.

In the meantime, I will take deep cleansing breaths, regroup, make a new plan.  I can manage.

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