Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Everyone has a collection of people that come in and out of their lives at a particular time for reasons that we don't understand at the time.  Only in hindsight, do we realize the subtle but important impacts they had on us.

Fran Dunn is one of those people for me.  I always called her FUNN because her mailbox was F Dunn but the D fell off -- and it was so appropriate.  FUNN was the aunt of a kid I went to high school with.  He lived with her because of some unfortunate roads his life took.  Rudi is an amazing guy and I credit his aunt for a majority of it.  Rudi and I became close friends in college when he became my fraternity brother.  We spent so much time together ... most of it at FUNN's house (which was a trailer in a trailer park).

She would yell at us for being crazy and doing silly freshman fratboy antics, but she always loved us, knew where we were, who we were with and we always knew that we had a place to come back to.  She carried a big stick (but it was padded with concern and caring).

FUNN died this weekend and her funeral is tomorrow.  I am going. I am sad. I am full of wonderful memories of a woman that came into my life and showed me that I was worth caring about.


  1. Sorry for you loss my friend! Remember the good memories of her!

  2. My condolences to you and your friend. Memories are seldom adequate consolation, but when they are all we have they are SO precious.

  3. Please give Rudi a big hug for me and give him my sincerest sympathies
