Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Beginnings....so many choices!

I know that new beginnings are full of hope and promise.  They are also full of anxiety and stress!  This whole being single thing has so many benefits.  No one tells me what to do in my own house, I have total control of my decisions and am accountable to no one.  I can do anything and be anything that I want.  (To that end, I have just registered for Italian lessons.  I think, in part, because I have this crazy fantasy that I will be an amazing Italian pastry chef or marry a hot and hunky Italian brick layer...either one sounds fine to me!).

With that said, I haven't been single for a long time and am not sure what to do with myself!  The other night was spent doing four loads of laundry and 2.5 hours of ironing (of course I was watching the Tudors and that made it all better!).  When I went to work the next day, one of my coworkers was sharing how she and her new husband were going out for drinks and dinner.  She asked me what I was going to do....My response?  In all seriousness, and without thinking, I stated:  "Well...I did all the laundry and ironing last night...Maybe tonight I will vacuum."  Seriously?  SERIOUSLY?  Man, I may need some help with this single man thing!


  1. Elliott, I am so with you on this. You know what I did tonight? I went through piles of papers that have been collecting in my house for 6 months. Don't feel bad for getting stuff done! (^_^)

  2. At least you can feel accomplished that you did get things done! If you are feeling bored in the upcoming months you could always help plan my wedding, right??!! :)

  3. Amy, you know I am always looking for a new "project!"
