Friday, June 17, 2011

Be Uncomfortable

Last Sunday I completed my first organized run.  I did the Worcester Memorial 6K in memory of the six firefighters that lost their lives in the tragic Worcester fires eleven years ago.  While I have to admit, I did walk a small portion of it, I completed the race in 35:30 or roughly managing 9:30 minute miles.  I felt great about it.  Granted my muscles were sore all week from not stretching (my own error), but I felt accomplished.

Last night I went to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) awards dinner.  Joe was the host/emcee.  Listening to the stories of award winners, personal accomplishments and amazing research that is being done nearly brought me to tears on more than one occasion.  I left feeling reinvigorated, renewed and recharged to go put my running shoes on and hit the pavement.  This is why I will be running the Boston in April.

I hate when people ask me for money to support them in their charities.  It is not that I am cheap or don't want to give, but that I live on a tight budget and I hate to say no.  But, I must from time to time.  I wish I could give to every charity.  I can't.  Which one is the right one?  Which one is more deserving of my shekels?

That being said, I am training and training hard.  I have changed my diet.  I have started running...and as a non-runner, that is big!  (For you non-runners, I know you have an appreciation!)  I plan on running all winter.  In the snow.  In the ice.  In the wind.  In the cold.  Uphill.  Downhill.  And I plan on asking you all for money. Money that will help children with blood cancers.  Money that will keep fathers and mothers alive long enough to dance at their children's weddings.  Money that you are going to spend on ice coffee or a bagel or that funny little refrigerator magnet.  If I can run, you can support!  Give until it feels like good.   Be prepared.  I am going to ask.  Not today.  Not tomorrow...but soon.

I have been told to be comfortable with being uncomfortable as I train for the marathon.  I am okay being uncomfortable.  Be uncomfortable with me.

P.S.  I went running after work in the misty rain.  I didn't stretch enough.  My legs felt like tree trunks.  Michael totally shamed me.  I did about 3 miles with some hills.  Truthfully, I made it up the big hill but it killed me and I had to walk a bit after, but I did the distance.    I can't imagine doing this 9 times consecutively. 


  1. That's awesome Elliott!!!! Best of luck to you in your training :) Yes, I will support you.

  2. Comfortable is only good for those occasional cold, rainy Sundays when you don't want to get out of your PJ's and the only chore ahead is getting through a pot of coffee and the newspaper. Stretching (pun intended) beyond your comfort zone is difficult and rewarding...just as you showed Michael with his Math work. Nice Job.

  3. Speaking from experience, running the marathon was one of the best moments of my life!! All of the uncomfortable moments were MORE than worth it! :)

  4. I also live on a tight budget (especially as we're buying a house) but will definitely contribute to such a worthy cause and your courageous efforts! Run, Elliott, run!

  5. Congrats!! You are an inspiration. And you have my support.
