Friday, July 22, 2011

Learning from other's journeys

So…I have this friend who has been going through a really tough time for the past three years.  Harder times than I think I could have survived to be completely honest with you.  During the worst of it, he relied on me a lot.  He needed strong guidance and someone to carry the load.  I was happy to do it because he is such a great guy.

Then, as he got stronger and more capable of dealing with the trauma and hardship in his life, my role ebbed back into being a “friend” more than a “driver”.  This caused a seismic shift in our relationship because he felt abandoned and questioned my commitment to him.  I can only imagine what a frightening and lonely feeling that was for him.  We have since had discussions that, in my opinion, I have not abandoned him but my stepping back from managing situations for him is a celebration of his self efficacy and ability to make good choices.  And now, we can be very balanced friends. 

I know my friend reads this blog and nothing written here is new news to him.  But I think that every once in a while you have to tell someone that you are proud of them.  That you think their personal journey is one that serves as a learning lesson for others.  That you realize that life is still hard and there are major challenges to overcome – but that you know they can do it. 

Friend – I am impressed by how far you have come.  You have inspired me.   I may not be carrying you anymore…but I am always there for you.  

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