Monday, July 11, 2011

Balance and Coping

I am a lucky man.  I have two wonderful children and a remarkable relationship that is blossoming into something more than I could have hoped for.  My job provides me with a living wage (although I would like to live a bit better...but wouldn't we all?)  I have a warm and welcoming home.  I have been able to see the world and have experiences that most of my friends will never be fortunate enough to have. 

However, I am feeling anxious.  I am in Florida with Joe.  He is blissfully sleeping and I am wide awake.  My level of stress and anxiety is particulary high tonight.  I am finding that some of the basic cornerstones of my ability to make it through each day are becoming more challenging.  My ex-husband has become far more inflexible in our scheduling...which results in additional challenges for my work and managing our kids.  Work is about change and reinvention these days...and that means that I have to make more difficult choices between earning a living wage and doing what is in the best interest of my children. 

I feel like I am not able to balance the important cornerstones of my life and as a result everything is feeling out of whack.  I am not coping well with this (hence being up in the middle of the night writing in my blog....)  My stress levels are extraordinarily high this week.  I worry about my kids and want to shield them from the challenges that are in front of us.  I worry about my job and how I will balance it and show that I have the appropriate commitment so I don't lose my income.  I worry about my ability to continue to negotiate and find a path forward with my exhusband when I have no control or influence on the situation.  I worry. I worry. I worry. 

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