Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Karma Baby!

Wow..the power of Karma never ceases to amaze me.  I am humbled by the forces beyond me.

Several weeks ago, everything seemed out of balance.  (See previous posts)  I was yelling at the kids all the time, struggling at work, feeling exhausted, not taking care of myself, making poor choices about daily living.  The result was an extremely unhappy, unsupported and frustrated me. 

After taking stock in my life, reassessing my situation and the choices I made, small alterations needed to be made.  The payoffs have been huge. 

Since those new awarenesses and changes, I am sleeping so much better.  I am not yelling at the kids (as much or inappropriately).  I am seeing big wins at work in peer relationships and professional credibility.  My pants are fitting better.  My bills feel more manageable.   I advocated at work to lessen my Spring travel schedule so that I can focus more on me.  AND I have found excitement in my personal life again. (First off, I am feeling like I have a personal life which is a huge improvement!)  And, a terrific someone has shown interest in me in a way that feels natural and realistic.  (Who knows what this means or what it could lead to, but I am thrilled for the "today" and am not planning any "tomorrows" ... yet!) can't fight it!

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