Friday, August 6, 2010


So, I have been wondering what is going on in Olivia's little head.  Lately, over the course of the past few days, she has felt the need to randomly tell people that she has two daddies and that we don't live together.  We lived together before but not anymore. 

She is pretty matter of fact about the whole she was announcing that the sky is up and the park is to the left. But, what is going on in her little brain that she is telling everyone this?  Why is she focusing on it?  I wonder if it is that she is just now getting the reality that her family is structured different from most of the families that she knows and the difference is just more apparent now or if she is needing some kind of support.  I am thinking she is okay because she is so blase about how she talks about it and seems happy in every other sense.

1 comment:

  1. maybe she's happy that you don't live together? she gets more focused attention from one, then the other. a pretty good deal, actually.
