Sunday, November 22, 2009

Beginning the Day

Sunday mornings are best spent quietly, in bed with coffee and the newspaper with some music playing in the background.  The smell of baked goods wafting in from the kitchen (made by someone else), and relaxing -- perhaps with that special someone. fantasy was shattered this morning quite early.  Miss Olivia crawled into my bed (she is a special someone...just not the one aforementioned) with wild curly hair flying everywhere (mostly in my face).  She wanted to play and her energy was boundless.  Then the Crowned Prince woke up to announce that he was sick and should be allowed to lay on the couch all day watching Iron Man.  When his Royal Highness was advised by his most trusted advisor that the realm would not be run by a lounging Prince....well, let's just say that I had to save the kingdom from civil war. 

I am now up and at 'em and didn't get my coffee, my newspaper, there is no music playing, relaxing is something for the better classes, the only baked good I will be having closely resembles a piece of burnt toast, but I have my special someones and the day started out just fine.

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