Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Trusting the wings and pissing off the youngun's!

So, Michael has hit that critical age.  The one where parents lose any small vestige of control and influence they might have had.  That stage is called "Middle School".  I see now that I need to trust him more because I have no choice.  He will be coming home by himself.  He will be socializing on a new level.  He is capable.  I am not.

This has been a struggle for both of us.  He still wants me to manage certain things and there are others that I am not supposed to be involved in.  The problem is that I don't know which is which.  It changes every day. There are certain things that I refuse to do now.  For example, I am done managing his social life.  When he wants to see a friend, he tells me that he wants me to call the parent and set up a play date.  I am no longer doing that.  I told him that if he wants to see or talk to his friends, he can pick up the phone and make it happen.   He doesn't need me to do that.

I also am beginning to realize that there may be added benefit for me if I let him have more freedom.  For example, I have begun to trust him to stay home and watch Olivia for short trips to the store.  He has taken to the babysitting without any loss of limb or arson charge.  So far, so good.  Just think...when I can trust him to really watch Olivia...the ultimate freedom!  I may even add a trip to Starbucks to my grocery run!

Of course, this all comes at a price.  Michael has been advocating for his first cell phone.  I finally agreed.  Michael put in his order for an iphone 4S with all the bells and whistles.  I told him that I don't see him with an iphone just yet...but he pitched a strong case for himself.

Last Saturday, Michael and I went to Verizon to get his phone activated.  He was so excited when I went to the counter and said "My son would like a cell phone so let's add a line to my account.  I would like him to have unlimited call and text but no internet (he didn't like that part so much).  I would also like to get an iphone 4S, 64gb.   (Michael's eyes got wide with excitement.)  I would like the iphone to be put on my line and have this put on Michael's line (as I reached into my pocket and brought a refurbished flip phone.)"  Michael was ...  what's the word?????     Pissed!

Overall though, Michael is having a blast playing with ring tones and texting me from the other side of the living room....and every second from the minute I leave the house until I return.  Perhaps that is why there has been no arson....he is too distracted to touch the stove....

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