Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pettiness...ain't pretty

It is amazing to me how petty some people can be.  OK, not really...but it always makes me stop and go hmph!

Almost everyone at work has been supportive and interested about the next steps of my journey since I have given notice.  But there is one person who has been outwardly dismissive and petty.  My choice to change my future and build my career are about me.  This person has had the most inappropriate reactions (and quite frankly has no need to as my departure has no bearing on this person.) My rule of thumb is always to say something nice or at least wish the person well.  There is no need or meaning behind making someone's exit transition uncomfortable or full of ill will.  I always try to act with dignity and self-respect.  So, when someone acts this way, I just want to shake them and ask why.  I wonder what they get out of it.  What are they trying to overcompensate for?  What anxieties does their behavior calm?

I guess I will never know.  However, I am leaving happy, with conviction it is was the right move for the right reasons and at the right time...regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Healthy changes

I was shocked at how long it has been since my last serving of stew!  To all of my loyal readers...I promise to make you wait so long for your next bowlful!

So much has been happening lately.  I have been training for my first marathon and trying to run through old knee injuries that are determined to thwart my path to the finish line.  I am hoping that all will be well by marathon day.  It has been hard to get this far and think that I may not finish.  I keep reminding myself that I raised a lot of money for a good cause and pushed myself further than I have ever gone before.  But somehow...not getting the finishers medal seems to be a sour pill.  Hopefully...hopefully...

I have also quit my job.  Which was a nerve-wracking and scary thing to do.  I am going into private practice.  I am going to be my own boss...make it or break it on my own.  I am confident in my skills and believe that if I build it .... they will come.  I am also going to be spending some time in a group private practice that will hopefully be a good clinical home for me.  I like the team there and look forward to building strong relationships with them.  Overall, this affords me more time with the children, work that is exciting and the flexibility to have the life I want.  And...since giving my notice, I have slept better than I have in the last two years!

Olivia went through a scary sickness and is better.  Michael is making strides toward a huge transition to middle school.  Joe continues to be great to all of us and earns our appreciation every day.  What have I learned over the past few months...That is I slow down and recenter myself, I will remember that healthy changes make life better and are worth the matter how they turn out.